
Why EPN Consulting Research and Innovation?

  • We believe that in consultancy one size does NOT fit in all. That’s why we first meet the Clients and understand their past and current situation as well as their aspirations for the future
  • Then, we work together with the Clients to design a strategic agenda to reach future ambitions
  • Finally, we walk hand in hand with the Clients, ensuring the steps described in the strategic agenda are still feasible. In case something has changed, we help Clients update the consulting process in order to keep the final goal clear and attainable
Get in touch



Years of international experience


Professional network of contacts in European countries


Collaborators across Europe speaking at least 2 foreign languages

What we do:

  • Innovative ideas converted in robust EU projects
  • Monitoring of EC calls for proposals and EU Affairs
  • Assessment of best funding schemes to enhance Clients' innovation capabilities
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience good practices customised to Clients’ needs
  • Research activities on Sustainability
  • Strategic solutions for citizens inclusion either in urban or rural areas
  • Strategic advice on Intelligent Mobility for cleaner cities

What we don't do:

  • Design and perform Systems Integrations
  • Design and build systems
  • Install and maintain systems
  • Software development

What we don't do:

  • Design and perform Systems Integrations
  • Design and build systems
  • Install and maintain systems
  • Software development