1 minute read / June 6, 2023
The current EIC Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform for applying to the EIC Accelerator is not accessible anymore as of 02 June 2023, due to a contractual dispute. Consequently, as an emergency measure the EIC has restructured EIC Accelerator application forms on the Funding and tenders opportunities portal and will continue to improve them.
Companies that have already worked on their application for full (Step 2) proposals for the EIC Accelerator cut-off on 7 June 2023 will be informed and receive their draft application documents by e-mail. Note: the deadline for submissions for the 7 June 2023 cut-off has been delayed with two weeks until 21 June 2023 at 17.00
During a short period of time companies will not be able to submit short (Step 1) applications. Short (Step 1) applications will not be submitted on the Funding and tenders opportunities portal, but on a separate EISMEA IT Platform that is to be put in place. This is expected to be ready in early July 2023.
More info available here.