2 minute read / February 21, 2023
To celebrate the first year of trading, our company website is live!
Since the very beginning we started populating our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts with news on Sustainability, Climate Change, and EU Affairs, while working on the development of the website that was carefully carried out step by step.
We wanted to have a nice looking, mobile-friendly, website that also included not only the company information such as the Team, the Logo and several memberships. We also wanted to make it a useful tools for professionals showing the upcoming events in Europe that can be found in the Events page and filtered per Sector, Date, Location. Besides, the News section aims to include articles that report on technological innovations, research outputs and policies published on several media as well as written by the EPN Consulting R&I staff.
In a few weeks, we will start publishing a monthly newsletter dedicated to the fields described in “About the Company”. Please get subscribed ASAP in order to be among the first to receive the number one.
We would like to end this short piece of news remind all readers that EPN Consulting Research and Innovation will always work by keeping in mind the satisfactions of selected UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 3-Good Health and Wellbeing, 7-Affordable and Clean Energy, 9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures, 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12-Responsible Consumption and Production, 13 Climate Action, 15-Life on Land and 17-Partnership for the goals.
We believe that having these goals in mind, we will indirectly benefit three other SDGs: 2-Zero Hunger, 8-Decent work and Economic Growth and 14-Life below water.
We hope you will visit our website often and if there is something you would like to suggest or discuss, feel free tot get in touch with us!